France, Normandie
ContactSa Biographie
Photojournalist since 1983
Worked in South-America from 1984-1989 (Peru-Bolivia-Chile-Argentina)
Balkan's war,from 1991-2000 (Croatia-Bosnia-Albania-Macedonia-Kosovo)
1996 publish the book "Ex-Yougoslavie 1991-1996" edition Florent-Massot
Since a few years,interested in the part of the horse in our society and its future.
2000,KNLA ( Karen National Liberation Army ) in Burma and Thailand
2002,exhibition in "Confluences",a retrospective" of the Balkan's war.
2012,exhibition in Dubrovnik's War Photo Museum with a book : "Broken Lights of Yugoslavia"
2013,exhibition of "Broken lights of Yugoslavia" in in Derry-Londonderry,cityofculture festival
2014 Berlin photo-Festival
Pictures from 1991 to 1999
BDIC Musée d'Histoire Contemporaine , Paris ( acquisition of 50 pictures about the Balkan's war)
2017 Musée de l'Armée (Paris,Invalides) ( acquisition of 37 pictures about the Balkan war)
Musée de la Marine (Paris,Trocadero) (acquisition of 36 pictures about the oil slick of the Tanker "Prestige" in Spain.
2018 exhibition in the "Montormel Memorial" ,Women at war ( pictures printed on emulsionated oak ( 0,80m X 2m )
2019,exhibition and installation for the "Journées du Patrimoine" about the restauration of the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris in 1992
2022 exhibition at the Hotel du Departement de la ville d'Alençon ( Normandy ) about the war in Ukraine
2023 Musée d'Histoire Contemporaine ( La Contemporain-Nanterre ) acquisition of 50 pictures of the beggining of the war in Ukraine.
Language: Spanish-French-English-Italian
Live currently in Normandy
Thèmes : Architecture, Portrait, Social, Vie quotidienne, Tourisme
France, Normandie