Reportage : Cambodge - Cambodia

Cambodge - Cambodia
28 juillet 2016
Cambodge - Cambodia

© Sabrina DOLIDZE / Divergence

Les enfants arrivent a l'ecole a Prek Toal. Dans ce village lacustre cambodgien au bord du Tonle Sap, l'ecole flotte comme les autres batiments sur des bidons. Cambodge. ///. The children arrive at the school in Prek Toal. In this Cambodian lakeside village on the Tonle Sap, the school floats like the other buildings on cans. Cambodia.

Lieu : Prek Toal, Cambodge

Mots clés : Cambodge, Cambodia, Tonle sap, arrimage, arrimer, asia, asie, barque, boat, ecole, ecole flottante, floating house, floating school, floating village, lac, lacustre, lake, maison flottante, river, riviere, school, school children, village, village flottant, education, cambodgien, ecolier, enfant, child, transport scolaire, transport, fille, garcon, illustration, maison fottante
