Reportage : Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE

Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE
26 juillet 2013
Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE

© Nanda GONZAGUE / Divergence

MANADE LAURENT, CAMARGUE, FRANCE, JULY 25, 2013: The Laurent family breeds for three generations wild horses and bulls of Camargue in the land of their farm called "Mas des Marquises". Paul, the founder of the "Manade Laurent", his son Henry and Patrick today gave the most beautiful bulls to the "courses camargaises" during the last 60 years. They had the greatest rewards and trophy in the finest arenas in the south of France. Henry and Annie Laurent are going to capture three bulls in the fields.

Lieu : France

Mots clés : éleveur, élevage, taurine, taureau, cavalier, chevaux, culture, ferme, cheval, camargue, france, rural, terroir, campagne, paca, bull, bulls, corrida, taurin, taureaux
