Reportage : Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE

Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE
25 juillet 2013
Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE

© Nanda GONZAGUE / Divergence

ARLES, FRANCE, JULY 25, 2013: "Le tambourin" famous bar downtown Arles held by the family of the matador "El Lobo", figure of French bullfighting today no longer fighting. The bar is decorated in honor of El Lobo. On the wall of the bar, the bull's head "El hogareño" killed in the arena by the matador "El Lobo" in 1999.

Lieu : France

Mots clés : arles, paca, campagne, terroir, rural, france, camargue, taureau, taurine, le tambourin, bull, bulls, corrida, élevage, taurin, taureaux
