Reportage : " I'm going to toss my arms. If you catch them they're yours " de Trisha Brown

I m going to toss my arms. If you catch them they re yours   de Trisha Brown
26 juin 2013
" I'm going to toss my arms. If you catch them they're yours " de Trisha Brown

© Laurent PHILIPPE / Divergence

Spectacle: " I'm going to toss my arms. If you catch them they're yours ", Chorégraphe: Trisha Brown, Trisha Brown Dance Company, Scénographie: Burt Barr, Musique: Alvin Curran, Lumières: John Torres, Costumes: Kaye Voyce, Dans le cadre du Festival Montpellier Danse, Lieu: Théâtre de l'Agora, Montpellier le 26/06/2013

Lieu : Montpellier, France

Mots clés : Art, Culture, Danse, Spectacle, BROWN Trisha, Contemporaine
