Reportage : E.T. Highway

E.T. Highway
13 octobre 2010
E.T. Highway

© Cyril BITTON / Divergence

Nevada State Highway 375 named in 1996: the Extraterrestrial Highway for the many UFO sightings along this lonely stretch of road. The town of Rachel is the only settlement along the way. The highway is close to the mysterious Area 51, a super-secret Air Force test facility, known for the story of the Roswell Crash in 1957. Today there's a sort of ET Tourism. People comes here to see" something". People who yearly lives here saw sometimes some lights, or find some metals in the desert road. The USA use the Area 51 to test new materials this is the official version but every body knows that " the truth is out there..." ///

Lieu : Rachel, USA

Mots clés : extraterrestres, ET, extra terrestres, USA, Etats unis, nevada, highway 375, extraterrestrial highway, ET Highway, voyage, decalé, cyril bitton,
