Reportage : Battle in libya between rebels and pro kadhafi, on the front line.

Battle in libya between rebels and pro kadhafi, on the front line.
11 mars 2011
Battle in libya between rebels and pro kadhafi, on the front line.

© Corentin FOHLEN / Divergence

© CORENTIN Fohlen/Divergence. Libya, Ras Lanouf front line, 11 March 2011. Ligne de front entre les villes de Ras Lanouf et Brega. Les rebels anti Kadhafi sont repousses par les bombardements de l'aviation presidentielle. Les positions sont au fur et a mesure abandonnees et la prise de ce terminal pétrolier stratégique à 600 km à l'est de Tripoli a ete confirmee le lendemain / Front line between cities of Ras Lanuf and Brega. The rebels were repelled by anti Gaddafi's bombing of Presidential Aviation. The positions are abandonned and the taking of the strategic oil terminal at 600 km east of Tripoli was confirmed the next day.

Lieu : Ras Lanouf, Libyan

Mots clés : libya, Libye, guerre, war, Fight, Fighting, combat, combats, Lutte armee, Revolution, Revolte, Arme, Armes
