Reportage : # selection pour l'exposition visa a perpignan #

# selection pour l exposition visa a perpignan #
18 mai 2010
# selection pour l'exposition visa a perpignan #

© Corentin FOHLEN / Divergence

© CORENTIN Fohlen/Divergence Bangkok, the 18th may, 2010. The red shirts, coming mostly from the provincial campaign, have installed their camp in the business district of Silom and commercial. Since the former Seh Daeng Thai general has been seriously injured, have his Partisi redoubled violence against the Thai military, which they do not hesitate to fire on demonstrators. CLASH OF THE RED SHIRTS, CLAIMING RESIGNATION OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR OVER 2 MONTHS, AND MILITARY FORCES THAI. Les chemises rouges, venant pour la plupart de la campagne provinciale, ont installe leur camp dans le quartier d'affaires et commercial de Silom. Depuis que l'ancien general thai Seh Daeng a ete gravement blesse, ses partisants ont redouble de violence contre les militaires thais, dont ces derniers n'hesitent pas a tirer sur les manifestants.

Lieu : Bangkok, Thailand

Mots clés : Thailande, Bangkok, crise, crisis, riot, riots, emeute, emeutes, affrontement, affrontements, Thailand, manifestant, manifestants, manifestation, demonstration, demonstrations, barricade, barricades, contestation, contestation sociale, violence, violences, Chemises Rouges
