Reportage : Crise en thailande (suite): evacuation en bus du camp ou s'etaient refugies, dans la cour d'un monastere, les chemises rouges apres l'intervention de l'armee thailandaise mettant fin a pres de trois mois de conflit.

Crise en thailande (suite): evacuation en bus du camp ou s etaient refugies, dans la cour d un monastere, les chemises rouges apres l intervention de l armee thailandaise mettant fin a pres de trois mois de conflit.
20 mai 2010
Crise en thailande (suite): evacuation en bus du camp ou s'etaient refugies, dans la cour d'un monastere, les chemises rouges apres l'intervention de l'armee thailandaise mettant fin a pres de trois mois de conflit.

© Corentin FOHLEN / Divergence

© CORENTIN Fohlen/pour STERN/ Divergence. Bangkok, the 20th may, 2010. The red shirts, coming mostly from the provincial campaign, have installed their camp in the business district of Silom and commercial. Since the former Seh Daeng Thai general has been seriously injured, have his Partisi redoubled violence against the Thai military, which they do not hesitate to fire on demonstrators. Evacuation by bus of the red shirts, who were refugie in a monastery, after the operation of the Thai army, terminate of 3 months of concflict.

Lieu : Bangkok, Thailand

Mots clés : Thailande, Bangkok, crise, crisis, riot, riots, emeute, emeutes, affrontement, affrontements, Thailand, manifestant, manifestants, manifestation, demonstration, demonstrations, barricade, barricades, contestation, contestation sociale, violence, violences, Chemises Rouges, red shirts, red shirt
