Reportage : #archives hautes definitions#

#archives hautes definitions#
06 décembre 2010
#archives hautes definitions#

© Corentin FOHLEN / Divergence

© CORENTIN Fohlen/Divergence. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, decembre 2010. The cathedral of Port-au-Prince totally destroyed by the earthquake of January 12, 2010. Haitians come to recover the rebars to resell on the market. A metal rod reported an average of 25 gourdes (about 50 cents).

Mots clés : Port-au-Prince, child, Seisme, Port au Prince, cathedrale, daily life, demolition, earthquake, misere, enfants, petits boulots, vie quotidienne, Eglise, Haiti, children, enfant, misery, pauvrete, poverty, tremblement de terre
