Reportage : Sainte Sophie, Hagia Sophia, Ayasofya, Église converti en mosquée à Istanbul. Hagia Sophia, Sainte Sophie, Ayasofya, Church converted into Mosque in Istanbul.

Sainte Sophie, Hagia Sophia, Ayasofya, Église converti en mosquée à Istanbul. Hagia Sophia, Sainte Sophie, Ayasofya, Church converted into Mosque in Istanbul.
24 août 2020
Sainte Sophie, Hagia Sophia, Ayasofya, Église converti en mosquée à Istanbul. Hagia Sophia, Sainte Sophie, Ayasofya, Church converted into Mosque in Istanbul.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

People visiting and praying Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque during Eid al-Adha is the holiest of the two Muslims holidays celebrated each year, it marks the yearly Muslim pilgrimage (Hajj) to visit Mecca, the holiest place in Islam. Muslims slaughter a sacrificial animal and split the meat into three parts, one for the family, one for friends and relatives, and one for the poor and needy. Istanbul, Turkey, 31/07/2020


Mots clés : Hagia Sophia, Sainte Sophie, eglise, Ayasofya, cathedral, prayer, priere, friday prayer, priere vendredi, patriarchalÊcathedral, Grand Mosque, Icone, monde byzantin, Icon, Constantinople, christianisme, islam, religion, church, Ottomans, 1453, Mehmed II, Conquerant, convertie, mosquee, Eastern, Roman Empire, Byzantine, Byzantine Empire, Justin I, Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Assyrian, Grec orthodoxe, Armenien, Assyrien, Christianity, Conqueror, converted, mosque, museum, modern, heritage, Holy Sophie, 2020, new convert, musee, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Turquie, moderne, UNESCO, World, patrimoine, nouveau convertie, grande, mosquee Ayasofya, president, Recep Tayyip, Erdogan, Turkey, Istanbul
