Reportage : Anciennes Églises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.

Anciennes Églises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.
24 août 2020
Anciennes Églises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

In November 2019, theÊTurkish Council of State, Turkey's highest administrative court, ordered that it was to be reconverted to a mosque, should return "to its original worship", that is, Islam. TheÊChurch of the Holy Saviour in ChoraÊis a Originally a medievalÊByzantine Greek Orthodox churchÊinÊConstantinople (Istanbul),ÊThis church was built in the fifth century, rebuilt in the eleventh and then in the fourteenth. It is considered one of the most beautiful Byzantine churches, preserved as the Chora Museum in theÊEdirnekapõÊneighborhood ofÊIstanbul. The neighborhood is situated in the western part of theÊmunicipalityÊ(belediye) of theÊFatihÊdistrict. In the 16th century, during theÊOttomanÊera, the church was converted into a mosque; it became a museum in 1948, though is to be reconverted to a mosque. The interior of the building is covered with some of the oldest and finest surviving ByzantineÊmosaicsÊandÊfrescoes; they were uncovered and restored after the building was secularized and turned into a museum.Istanbul.Turkey, July 22, 2020.


Mots clés : Hagia Sophia, Sainte Sophie, eglise, Holy Saviour, Chora, Ayasofya, cathedral, prayer, priere, friday prayer, priere vendredi, patriarchalÊcathedral, Grand Mosque, Icone, monde byzantin, Icon, Constantinople, christianisme, islam, religion, church, Ottomans, 1453, Mehmed II, Dome, tomb, grave, shrine, Tombeau, tombe, sanctuaire, Minaret, Conquerant, convertie, mosquee, Eastern, Roman Empire, Byzantine, Byzantine Empire, Justin I, Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Assyrian, Grec orthodoxe, Armenien, Assyrien, Christianity, Conqueror, converted, mosque, museum, modern, heritage, Holy Sophie, 2020, new convert, musee, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Turquie, moderne, UNESCO, World, patrimoine, woman, nouveau convertie, image, Mary, Christ Child, Virgin Mary, Marie, enfant, covered, mosaic, Jesus covered, curtains grande, mosquee Ayasofya, president, Recep Tayyip, Erdogan, Turkey, Istanbul
