Reportage : Anciennes ¢glises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.

Anciennes ¢glises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.
24 août 2020
Anciennes ¢glises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Gul Mosque, meaning: "The Mosque of the Rose" is a former Eastern Orthodox church in Constantinople (Istanbul), converted into a mosque by the Ottomans. Legend says; the night before the conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) people filled the church and spread rose petals over the ground in honor of Saint Theodosia. When Ottoman soldiers entered the church and saw the floor covered with rose petals they gave it the name "Rose Mosque", Istanbul, Turkey, 30/07/2020


Mots clés : Church, eglise, Mosque, cathedral, Grand Mosque, Icone, monde byzantin, Icon, Constantinople, christianisme, islam, religion, Greek Orthodox, Grec orthodoxe, Gul Mosque, Mosque Rose, Mosquee Gul, Mosquee Rose, Ottoman, 1453, Mehmed II, Conquerant, convertie, mosquee, eglise convertie, converted church, Eastern, Roman Empire, Byzantine, Byzantine Empire, Justin I, Christianity, Conqueror, converted, modern, heritage, 2020, new convert, Turquie, moderne, UNESCO, World, patrimoine, nouveau convertie, grande mosquee
