Reportage : The Ukrainian Revolution 2014 aftermath. La Révolution Ukrainienne 2014 après.

The Ukrainian Revolution 2014 aftermath. La Révolution Ukrainienne 2014 après.
30 décembre 2014
The Ukrainian Revolution 2014 aftermath. La Révolution Ukrainienne 2014 après.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

The helmet and gas mask, food, cigarettes of an anti-government demonstratr left on a barricade in Kiev, Ukraine. The offices of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych have been left unguarded, with the protesters in full control of the streets surrounding the government district. The opposition have called for elections to take place on May 25 and demanded that President Yanukovych stand down immediately. Kiev-Ukraine, 25/02/2014


Mots clés : Revolution, anti-government, protesters, clashed, riot police, barricade, food, drink, European Union, Independence square, violence, commander, man, crisis, Révolution, anti-gouvernement, manifestant, affrontements, helmet, gas mask, orange, cigarettes, forget, casque, masque à gaz, nourriture, oubliez, police anti-émeute, boisson, escape, évasion, table, street, siège, Union européenne, chief, chef, place de Indépendance, commandant, homme, crise, Maidan, Kiev, Ukraine, Alfred Yaghobzadeh
