© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence
French Plainclothes police officers arresting a Yellow Vest (Gilets Jaunes) protester during clash with French riot police (CRS), for the 10th consecutive near the Hotel des Invalides in Paris. its beginning on November 17th, the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) begun by a protest against the rise of taxes on oil products. The CGT trade union participated to the demonstration of the Yellow Vests. They ask for more democracy and for the RIC (Citizens Initiated Referendum). The rise of taxes was the detonator of their wrath against French President Macron and his Governement and their demand of his resignation. Paris. France. 12/01/ 2018.
Mots clés : Acte 10, France, arrestation, macron, Acte X, demonstration, arresting, Police, CRS, mouvement social, protestation, yellow jacket, manifestant, Gilets Jaunes, Alfred Yaghobzadeh, Paris, clashs, affrontement, manifestation, Violences policières