Reportage : The East Side Gallery Art of the Berlin Wall 2019.

The East Side Gallery Art of the Berlin Wall 2019.
22 octobre 2019
The East Side Gallery Art of the Berlin Wall 2019.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

The East Side Gallery, It Happened in November German-Iranian painter Kani Alavi painted the haunting mural 'Es Geschah im November' ('It Happened in November') in 1990. The abstract painting - inspired by Alavi's own observations from his former apartment near Checkpoint Charlie - depicts the day the wall fell, with thousands of East German faces pouring through to the West. The faces show a range of different emotions in an effort to portray the mixture of confusion, joy, trepidation and liberation felt by East Germans heading over to the West. The Berlin Wall, a former symbol of division, is now the world's largest open-air gallery, featuring 105 murals by artists from across the globe.Berlin, Germany, 19/10/2019


Mots clés : Berlin wall, fall, November, 1989, Germany, Berlin, Iconic, artwork, painting, art, graffitis, peinture, Murals, East Side, East Side Gallery, DDR, GDR, East Germany, wall, Allemagne, chute du mur, mur de berlin, Berlin chute, mur, east Berlin, Alfred Yaghobzadeh
