Reportage : Members of the media the foreign and local press covering Battle for Kobani, Les membres des médias de la presse étrangère et locale couvrant bataille pour Kobani,

Members of the media the foreign and local press covering Battle for Kobani, Les membres des médias de la presse étrangère et locale couvrant bataille pour Kobani,
22 octobre 2014
Members of the media the foreign and local press covering Battle for Kobani, Les membres des médias de la presse étrangère et locale couvrant bataille pour Kobani,

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Members of the media the foreign and local press covering fighting between Syrian Kurds the People's Protection Units, or YPG, and the militants of Islamic State (ISIS) group on the hilltop on the outskirts of Suruc, at the Turkey-Syria border, to watch in Kobani, Syria, Kobani, also known as Ayn Arab, and its surrounding areas, has been under assault by extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) group.


Mots clés : Syria, Syrian, Turkey, Kurdish, Suruc, Syria border, Ayn al-Arab, assault, reporter, journaliste, Battle, Bataille, extremists, Islamic State, ISIS, IS, guerre, war, Kurdish fighters, fighting, Members, media, foreign, local, press, coverage, camera, Membres, médias, presse, couverture, caméra, TV, étrangère, locale, journalist, combats, Kurdes, syriens, bombardment, bombardement, hill, Syrie, Turquie, Kobané, frontière Syrie, Ayn arabes, extrémistes, Etat islamique, EI, djihadistes, combattants kurdes, combattant, YPG, alfred, Yaghobzadehttant, Yaghobzadeh
