Reportage : Manifestation nationale contre la reforme des retraites a Paris. Demonstration against pension reform in Paris.

Manifestation nationale contre la reforme des retraites a Paris. Demonstration against pension reform in Paris.
18 décembre 2019
Manifestation nationale contre la reforme des retraites a Paris. Demonstration against pension reform in Paris.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Thousands take to the streets of Paris to support the National strike with new unions joining the strike on a crucial day between the government and the unions over pension reforms in Paris. President Emmanuel Macron is facing his biggest test since the Gilet Jaune or Yellow Vest movement as railway, transportation workers, Teachers, students, hospital employees, firemen, garbage collectors, truck drivers and airline workers join the strike called in protest to changes to Frances pension system. Paris, France. 17/12/2019


Mots clés : syndicat, syndicalisme, retraites, reforme des retraites, paris, manifestants, unionism, syndicaliste, retraite, manifestation, uniongreve, syndicalist, pensions, retirement, pension reform, CRS, demonstrators, demonstration, intersyndicale, strike, cgt
