Reportage : Le nouveau visage de Hasankeyf. The New Face of Hasankeyf.

Le nouveau visage de Hasankeyf.  The New Face of Hasankeyf.
26 août 2020
Le nouveau visage de Hasankeyf. The New Face of Hasankeyf.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

The ancient town of Hasankeyf, and its archaeological sites which were flooded as part of the Ilısu Dam project located along the Tigris River in the Batman Province in southeastern Turkey. Despite years of protests by residents and activists, the town on the banks of the Tigris River disappeared under water as part of a controversial dam project. To encourage tourism, swimming is allowed and people can enjoy a boat tours. Hasankeyf, Turkey, 02/08/2020.


Mots clés : Hasankeyf, river Tigris, ancient, fleuve Tigre, ancien, Mesopotamia, Ilisu Dam, Barrage Ilisu, Dam, Barrage, digue, water, submerged, flood, disappeared, disparu, flooded, inonde, submerge, drowned, river, riviere, Syria, Iraq,  Assyrian, Turquie, Turkey, history, histoire, tourism, Tourist, business, attraction, entertaining, Tourisme, affaires, Alfred Yaghobzadeh
