Reportage : Le nouveau visage de Hasankeyf. The New Face of Hasankeyf.

Le nouveau visage de Hasankeyf.  The New Face of Hasankeyf.
26 août 2020
Le nouveau visage de Hasankeyf. The New Face of Hasankeyf.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Ancient town of Hasankeyf underwater, the 12000 year old Hasankeyf, on the banks of the Tigris River in modern Turkey, was submerged and 70,000 people are displaced and the flooding of nearly 200 villages in the surrounding area, as part of the Ilisu Dam is part of a network of projects known as the Southeastern Anatolia Project in the Batman Province in southeastern Turkey. Hasankeyf, 02/08/2020


Mots clés : Hasankeyf, river Tigris, ancient, fleuve Tigre, ancien, Mesopotamia, Ilisu Dam, Barrage Ilisu, Dam, Barrage, digue, water, submerged, flood, disappeared, disparu, flooded, inonde, submerge, drowned, river, riviere, Syria, Iraq,  Assyrian, Turquie, Turkey, history, histoire, tourism, Tourist, business, attraction, entertaining, Tourisme, affaires, Alfred Yaghobzadeh
