Reportage : ÊManifestation contre la reforme des retraites Paris. Protest against the government's pension overhaul Paris.

ÊManifestation contre la reforme des retraites Paris. Protest against the government s pension overhaul Paris.
12 janvier 2020
ÊManifestation contre la reforme des retraites Paris. Protest against the government's pension overhaul Paris.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

French Protesters burn a billboard as they clash with security forces following their intervention in a protest against the government's pension overhaul in Paris, Yellow vests also took part in the demonstration. Paris, France11/01/2020


Mots clés : paris, pension reform, manifestation, retirement, syndicaliste, syndicat, black-blocs, casseurs, demonstration, demonstrators, cgt, strike, pensions, intersyndicale, unionism, black-bloc, black bloc, uniongreve, syndicalist, reforme des retraites, syndicalisme, retraites, manifestants, retraite
