Reportage : Anciennes ¢glises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.

Anciennes ¢glises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.
24 août 2020
Anciennes ¢glises Byzantines, Assyriennes et Arméniennes, converties en Mosquées en Turquie. Ancient Byzantine, Assyrian and Armenian, Churches converted into Mosques in Turkey.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

In 2006, the Turkish Council of State, Turkey's highest administrative court, ordered that it was to be reconverted to a mosque, Little Hagia Sophia Mosque, a former Greek Eastern Orthodox church dedicated to Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople, built between 532 and 536 by the Emperor Justinian from the Byzantine era as the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus. The church was converted into a mosque in 1500. The building was part of UNESCO's watch list of endangered monuments, and a lot of hard work has been put into restoring the place. new interior and exterior that has been done in Ottoman style and bears no resemblance to the usual Byzantine architecture and design. The restoration work was done carefully, and Hagia Sophia still has certain elements from the 1500s. The place has a unique floor plan that takes the shape of an octagon, and has several columns that have carved marbles. Visitors can pay a visit to the tomb of Huseyin Aga, who was the founder of the mosque. The mosque has a beautiful courtyard that contains a fountain in the centre, and also has several madrassas (religious schools), lodges for dervishes. Istanbul.Turkey, July 24, 2020.


Mots clés : Church, eglise, Mosque, cathedral, Grand Mosque, Icone, monde byzantin, Icon, Constantinople, christianisme, islam, religion, Greek Orthodox, Grec orthodoxe, Little Hagia Sophia, Petite Sainte Sophie, Ottoman, 1453, Mehmed II, Conquerant, convertie, mosquee, eglise convertie, converted church, Eastern, Roman Empire, Byzantine, Byzantine Empire, Justin I, Christianity, Conqueror, converted, modern, heritage, 2020, new convert, Turquie, moderne, UNESCO, World, patrimoine, nouveau convertie, grande mosquee
