Reportage : 40 ans après Révolution Islamique de1979 en Iran. 40 years after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.

40 ans après Révolution Islamique de1979 en Iran. 40 years after Iran s 1979 Islamic Revolution.
17 janvier 2019
40 ans après Révolution Islamique de1979 en Iran. 40 years after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Young Iranian veiled women Basiji (mobilized volunteer forces) march with flowers in their gun barrels G3 automatic assault rifles during a parade in front of the U.S. embassy in Tehran during the Iran hostage crisis. Iranian revolutionaries stormed the embassy and took 66 Americans hostage, Tehran, Iran,1979


Mots clés : Iran, Tehran, Iranian Revolution, Islamic Revolution, 1979 Revolution, flower, gun, barrel, fleur, bout, fusil, rifle, fleur au bout au fusil, fleur au fusil, flower in gun barrel, G3, automatic, Female, Shiites, Shia, chiites, assault, religious, headscarf, head, Scarf, woman, carrying, automatic assault rifle, wearing, Islamic veil, hijab, black, chador, femme, porter, automatique, assaut portant, voile islamique, noir, tchador, Enghelabe Eslami, Téhéran, révolution iranienne, Révolution islamique, Révolution 1979, demonstration, against, ÊIranian, rebellion, Persian monarch, protestations, rébellion, révolution, démonstration, contre, alfred, Yaghobzadeh
