Reportage : 40 ans après Révolution Islamique de1979 en Iran. 40 years after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.

40 ans après Révolution Islamique de1979 en Iran. 40 years after Iran s 1979 Islamic Revolution.
17 janvier 2019
40 ans après Révolution Islamique de1979 en Iran. 40 years after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Over two million people throughout Iran demonstrated against the Shah, The demonstrations often turned violent as the Shah's imperial police opened fire on the crowds. On this day, two imperial police officers opened fire on the mess hall of the Lavizan garrison in north Tehran, killing 15 fellow officers. This was an ominous progression as it signified the mounting split within the Shah's armed forces. Tehran, IRAN - 11/12/1978.


Mots clés : Iran, Tehran, Iranian Revolution, Islamic Revolution, 1979 Revolution, Enghelabe Eslami, Téhéran, révolution iranienne, Révolution islamique, Révolution 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini, république islamique, chef religieux, religieux, religious leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Khomeyni, Khomeiny, imam Khomeini, leader of revolution, Ayatollah, Supreme Leader, demonstration, supporter, against, ÊIranian, protests, rebellion, Persian monarch, protestations, rébellion, révolution, clergy, Mullah, black, turban, Sayyid, clergyman, guide suprême, clergé, mollah, noir, ecclésiastique, démonstration, contre, alfred, Yaghobzadeh
