Reportage : Belgium - floods - liege - weather

Belgium - floods - liege - weather
16 juillet 2021
Belgium - floods - liege - weather

© Nicolas PORTNOI / Divergence

Liege, 2021/07/16. The floods that hit the city of Liege caused great damage to the inhabitants of the affected districts. The day after the flood of the Meuse, the inhabitants try to clean their houses and to empty everything that is destroyed, with the help of citizens who came by solidarity. Electricity has still not been restored. Liege, 2021/07/16. Les inondations qui ont frappe la ville de Liege ont occasionne de gros degats chez les habitants des quartiers touches. Le lendemain de la crue de la Meuse, les habitants tentent de nettoyer leurs maisons et de vider tout ce qui est détruit, avec l aide de citoyens venus par solidarite. L electricite n a toujours pas ete retablie.


Mots clés : boue, catastrophe climatique, climat, climate, climate change, climate disaster, damage, debris, degats, eau, ecologie, ecology, flood, flooding, inondation, inondations, la vesdre, liege, meuse, mud, water, weather
