Reportage : Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE

Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE
26 juillet 2013
Campagne et terroir - CAMARGUE

© Nanda GONZAGUE / Divergence

VENDARGUES ARENA, HERAULT, FRANCE, JULY 25, 2013: In much of southern France, the traditional Camargue races take place in the arena of towns and villages. Bulls are released among "raseteurs" which should pull the cockade placed on the front of the bull. The "raseteurs" risk their lives, injuries are common. Traditional opening parade of the race with authentic dresses of region.

Lieu : France

Mots clés : course, spectacle, taurine, arène, camargue, taureau, terroir, campagne, éleveur, élevage, cavalier, chevaux, culture, course camarguaise, camarguaise, france, rural, paca, bull, bulls, corrida, taurin, taureaux
