Reportage : Les faucheurs re-recidivent

Les faucheurs re-recidivent
02 septembre 2006
Les faucheurs re-recidivent

© Georges BARTOLI / Divergence

Jose Bove a leur tete trois cents faucheurs volontaires ont detruit une vingtaine d hectares de mais transgenique a Crezet Cavagnan pres de Marmande le 02 septembre 2006. Ce mais OGM etait destine a etre bientot vendu . Les faucheurs encerclent la gendarmerie de marmande ou ils pensent que sont detenus leurs trois camarades arretes Leadered by the french radical farmer Jose Bove three hundred activists destroyed more than twenty hectares of geneticaly modified corn GMO supposed to be sold nearly sold, in Crezet Cavagnan , soutwestern France SEptember 02,2006. The activists surround the police station of marmande where they think their three arrested friends are jailed.


Mots clés : arrachage, transgenique, OGM, maïs, GMO, gendarmerie, faucheurs, bove
