Reportage : The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Les Frères musulmans en Egypte.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  Les Frères musulmans en Egypte.
31 janvier 2007
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Les Frères musulmans en Egypte.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Tens of thousands of Egyptians celebrate the fall of the regime of former President Hosni Mubarak, and to maintain pressure on the current military rulers, in Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo-Egypt 18/02/2011.


Mots clés : egypt, cairo, Caire, Egyptian, revolution, anti-government, protesters, Tahrir Square, against, president, Hosni Mubarak, Égyptienne, face, veil, hijab, Niqab, headscarf, visage, voile, green, flag, vert, drapeau, women, femmes, woman, révolution, manifestants, place Tahrir, contre, président, alfred, yaghobzadeh, Ê
