Reportage : The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Les Frères musulmans en Egypte.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  Les Frères musulmans en Egypte.
19 novembre 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Les Frères musulmans en Egypte.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Supporters of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood 'The Freedom and Justice Party' participate gather during a demonstration during a rally in Cairo's Tahrir square in a protest against what they say are attempts by the country's military rulers to reinforce their powers. The rally Friday was dominated by the country's most organized political group, the Muslim Brotherhood. It was called to protest a document floated by the government which declares the military the guardian of "constitutional legitimacy," suggesting the armed forces could have the final word on major policies.CAIRO-EGYPT 18/11/2011


Mots clés : egypt, cairo, Caire, Egyptian, revolution, anti-government, protesters, Tahrir Square, against, face, veil, hijab, Niqab, Muslim Brotherhood, Frères musulmans, black, noir, headscarf, visage, voile, famille, women, femmes, woman, president, Hosni Mubarak, Égyptienne, friday, prayer, pray, prier, prière, vendredi, crowd, foule, révolution, manifestants, place Tahrir, contre, président, alfred, yaghobzadeh, Ê
