Reportage : Manifestation pour Théo. Place de la République. Protest against police abuse in Paris.

Manifestation pour Théo. Place de la République.  Protest against police abuse in Paris.
19 février 2017
Manifestation pour Théo. Place de la République. Protest against police abuse in Paris.

© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence

Anti riot police officers arrest a protester during the clashes between protesters and anti riot police at the end of the gathering who was organized by Several organisations like SOS Racisme to gather on the Republique square in support of Theo Luhaka, violently arrested and raped by police officer two weeks before in Aulnay-sous-Bois, Paris suburb. The demonstration who was calm and peaceful at the beginning had violent clashes between anti riot police and demonstrators at the end of the gathering, in Paris, France 18/02/2017 ©Alfred Yaghobzadeh

Lieu : PARIS

Mots clés : justice pour theo, theo, manifestation, police, CRS, violence policieres, banlieue, Place de la République, Affaire theo, mécontentement, Affrontements, violence sociale, viole, jeunes, racisme, racism, rape, paris, France, Alfred Yaghobzadeh
